Automatic End-to-End Switching + Routing_
[ TYPE : Power Modules ]
░█ D-Switch:R : Automatic Decenter Switch and Router [ pronounced: "D-Switcher" ]
The Decenter Switch:R [D-Switch:R] Syborg automatically "switches" + "routes" traffic in four ways:
░ 1] D-Switch:R automatically routes + switches traffic across various local and/or global Tenants. This brings about inter-Tenant interconnectivity and reduces the network latency, CPU cycles and usage of Internet bandwidth, while at the same time allowing for shared resource usage across Tenants. The Tenants have full control over what IP address ranges to allow traffic to and from, or to allow access for anyone, just like the Internet.
The D-Switch:R can also shape the incoming and outgoing bandwidth if required by the Tenant.
The IP addresses provided to the Tenants are not in the private internal IP address range [192/10/172] and therefore don't conflict.
Note: The Tenants have Ethernet Layer 2 connectivity and can define any IP address range to their virtual machines and do any type of routing they prefer. They are not required to use the SynchroKnot vSoC Decenter Cloud provided static IP addresses. Only if they choose to use the D-Terminator-0, D-Terminator-1, D-Terminator-3 and other newer D-Terminator Power Modules, then the vSoC Decenter Cloud provided static IP addresses may be required. This is mentioned here to avert any confusion that may arise.
The D-Switch:R Power Module is required with the use of D-Terminator-0 and D-Terminator-1 Power Modules, and also in cases where inter-Tenant connectivities are desired. The D-Switch:R may be required with D-Terminator-3 in cases where one would like D-Switch:R to route + switch traffic to and from the Tenant data center[s] or corporate network[s] to the static IP addresses provided by the SynchroKnot vSoC Decenter Cloud.
░ 2] D-Switch:R can automatically route + switch traffic from the existing data center[s] or corporate network[s] to the SynchroKnot vSoC decenter cloud. That is, from your private internal IP range[s] [192/172/10] to the vSoC Cloud provided IPv4 address ranges.
☼ Just one IP from your 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x or 10.x.x.x range OR 3 IPs, one from each range, is all that may be needed for the D-Switch:R. Simply point your corporate router[s] / end device[s] and your Decenter virtual machines to the D-Switch:R as a default gateway, and you will have connectivity between your data center[s] to the vSoC decenter cloud without ANY other network or vSoC-related configuration[s]. ☼
☼ Even if the D-Switch:R IP address or its subnet range may not be compatible with your router or end devices, you may still get routed to the decenter cloud by simply adding the route to the D-Switch:R IP address as its default gateway. ☼
For example, taking one simple case scenario into consideration, assuming your corporate/data center router only has one /24 IP address, and you wanted to get routed to another subnet or IP in the 192/10/172 range or to any vSoC Decenter Cloud provided static IP address range, then firstly, simply give a free 192/10/172 IP address to D-Switch:R.
In this example, we give it which does not match the IP or subnet of your data center router Secondly, add as route and default gateway to the router with address. That's it. You will get routed to any destination vSoC Decenter Cloud provided static IP address range and/or 192/172/10 IP address range[s] within practically any subnet.
█ Data Center Router to SynchroKnot vSoC Decenter Cloud
[ Data Center Router ]--------------------[ _D-Switch:R_ - ]-------[ 192/172/10/Decenter IP address ranges ]
route + default gateway
route + default gateway Decenter GW IP
█ SynchroKnot vSoC Decenter Cloud Virtual Machines to Data Center Router
[ 192/172/10/Decenter IP address ranges ]----------------[ _D-Switch:R_ - ]-------[ Data Center Router ]
192/172.10 or Decenter IP Address Ranges
route + default gateway and/or Decenter GW IP
☼ Note: In certain case scenarios you may not even have to define a default gateway. ☼
☼ You can assign any IP address to your virtual machines in the decenter cloud, and also for overall ease, simplicity and scalability use the SynchroKnot vSoC decenter cloud assigned permanent static IP addresses alongside, partially or completely. ☼
[ 192/172/10/Decenter IP address ranges ]----------------[ _D-Switch:R_ - ]-------[ Data Center Router ] 192/172.10 or Decenter IP Address Ranges route + default gateway and/or Decenter GW IP☼ Note: In certain case scenarios you may not even have to define a default gateway. ☼
☼ You can assign any IP address to your virtual machines in the decenter cloud, and also for overall ease, simplicity and scalability use the SynchroKnot vSoC decenter cloud assigned permanent static IP addresses alongside, partially or completely. ☼
☼ ░ NOTE: D-Switch:R switches traffic at Layer 2 and routes traffic at Layer 3. It * DOES NOT * do NAT [ Network Address Translation ] or CGNAT [ Carrier-Grade NAT ]. ☼
░ 3] From outside [Internet] to the destination virtual machine within a specific Tenant Spatial Cluster. It enables automatic switching and routing for the D-Terminator-1 Power Module.
░ 4] From a decenter cloud virtual machine inside a specific Tenant Spatial Cluster to the Internet outside. It enables automatic switching and routing for the D-Terminator-0 Power Module, and gives it the ability to load balance across multiple providers of broadband Internet.
Synchroknot Incorporated | SynchroKnot Limited, Hong Kong, SAR of China [ website - content ] by SynchroKnot is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work by its creator Mehul Sharma at Synchroknot Incorporated | SynchroKnot Limited, Hong Kong, SAR of China : synchroknot.[com|cloud|org].