SynchroKnot Releases Virtual System on Chip (vSoC) Software Version 2.

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S | Hong Kong, SAR of China | Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 20, 2025 /Synchroknot Incorporated | SynchroKnot Limited/ -- SYNCHROKNOT, Creator of the World's Only Enterprise-Grade Decentralized Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, IoT and Data Center Software & Technology, announces the release of the vSoC Version 2 Software.

vSoC, also known as the Virtual System on Chip, is software similar to VMware [Cloud Foundation, vSphere Foundation, vSphere Enterprise Plus], Openstack, Microsoft Hyper-V and related others, but with some substantial unique-to-the-industry differences, which include but are not limited to:

1. vSoC is completely decentralized.

2. vSoC runs on High-Performance 4x4-inch SoCs (System on Chip) or any x86_64 architecture [AMD64] hardware. The software is all-inclusive and does everything. It acts as a complete, fully automatic and fault tolerant switch with zero configuration, storage without the need for SAN/NAS/Distributed Block and File, server to run virtual machines and much more.

In other words: - You don't need to purchase a separate server to run virtualization software. - You don't need to purchase redundant switch and router hardware and software licenses to enable them. - You don't need to purchase SAN/NAS-related storage hardware and additional licenses to manage them. - You don't need separate storage, networking and virtualization organizations/groups/teams.

3. There is no centralized management as seen in VMware V-Center or others. You can manage vSoCs running on any hardware from any other hardware running vSoC - Any-to-Any.

vSoC plus the 4x4-inch SoC (running at 5 - 5.4 GHz per core/thread) is all you need. Simply stack them up and connect the networking wires -- practically nothing to configure or manage.

4. SynchroKnot vSoC installs in seconds on the latest Debian, Devuan, Astra Linux, Ubuntu or other Debian derivatives.

5. There is an exponential reduction in the total cost of ownership (TCO), complexity and real estate and power to run and cool the hardware.

6. The SynchroKnot vSoC license cost is substantially lower than other enterprise products from VMware, Microsoft and others.

7. There is an exponential increase in performance as well as a true ease in management, both locally and globally via a single management interface that does it all for the tenants and service providers.

8. Both private and public clouds can be provisioned at the same time. You can choose to be your own service provider internally within the organization or externally to anyone as desired.

Mehul Sharma, Founder and President of Synchroknot Inc. and Limited, who is also the creator of the vSoC software said, "On this January 20, 2025, I am honored to optimistically open the floodgates and present the vSoC Version 2, an enterprise paid version, to the global enterprise, which up until its previous versions, was used internally and was available for world-wide free use. With over 15 years since its inception, the vSoC, other than some of the benefits mentioned above, gives the enterprise access to some of the most powerful and unique add-on security power modules, which hold the key to substantially reducing security-related breaches and compromises from cyber attacks that cost the industry about $10 trillion per year*."

There are no middlemen, consultants or hierarchy between the customer and vSoC. The instructional manual (with instructional media) and the instructional troubleshooting manual (with media) should be all that one needs to get proficient at using vSoC. If one has experience with VMware, OpenStack, etc. then using vSoC is significantly easier to learn, use and manage. Plus, you can get support from our upcoming portal, which will list SynchroKnot-certified Engineers and Architects.

SynchroKnot has gone an extra step ahead in bringing about simplified certifications via the "SynchroKnot Enterprise Engineer" and "SynchroKnot Enterprise Architect" certifications, which further enable you to offer your own consulting and support services via our portal and stay current on the latest developments.

The entire SynchroKnot solution and support may also be acquired via our SynchroKnot Authorized Integrators.

Mehul Sharma stated that "In about the same space taken by a regular desktop computer, the SynchroKnot vSoC Super Cluster can house 1408 cores/threads running at speeds of up to 5 Ghz to 5.4 Ghz, bringing about a new genre of decentralized data center with all-inclusive Cloud Computing, Edge Computing and IoT. This translates to exponential reduction in the total cost of ownership, real estate expenses and the power required for running and cooling the hardware.

With the current-day available licensing from VMware and others, you would require additional real-estate and power for 88 1U/2U servers if a single socket 16 core license is chosen, and 44 1U/2U servers if a two-socket 32 core license is chosen. Plus, on top of that, you would need separate redundant switches and SAN, NAS or Distributed Block or File storage. Keep in mind, in many cases the total GHz of the SoCs would be higher than those of the 1U or 2U servers chosen."

Intel and AMD SoC and Board Manufacturers are encouraged to get their hardware certified and themselves recognized as SynchroKnot Authorized Manufacturers so that the global SynchroKnot enterprise customers can procure the hardware directly from its source.

You are encouraged to purchase your vSoC licenses to start using and scaling immediately.

Learn more about the vSoC in detail at:


PDF version of this global press release

* McKinsey predicts annual global losses of $10.5 trillion

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Synchroknot Incorporated | SynchroKnot Limited, Hong Kong, SAR of China [ website - content ] by SynchroKnot is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work by its creator Mehul Sharma at Synchroknot Incorporated | SynchroKnot Limited, Hong Kong, SAR of China : synchroknot.[com|cloud|org].